Final cover choice and edits

 In the edits and revisions I am about to do, I would like to change certain aspects of my magazine so that It looks more professional and has a better look to it through the software Canva. Plans I have in mind for the changes are changing the fonts, colors and actual contents that are in the cover lines. 

 This is the cover before editing once again and definitely needs more details and changes. I want to also change colors such as the cover lines and masthead to more colorful because of how in sports magazines the color schemes are very vibrant and colorful to come off as energetic and aggressive.

The first edit I made was the masthead I changed the font from sports world to bungee shade because I want that to make that the staple font for my company. I had an initial masthead name as "The big sport", but I changed it to 3p sports because it has more deeper meaning to it. The 3p stands for 3 points which is like a shot you take and that can be seen as taking your chances and always being confident in your self. The next thing I did was change the main cover line to "The suns lead the west" because this shows more relevant information and not a very generic cover line. I also moved it more up so that it is over the ball a little bit and this might allow me to be able to fit something else in the empty space as I edit more. 

 This is what I have so far and it is still a little basic but a little different. I changed what I did next and kind of changed my plans for the cover lines. I took the cover line right under the title and changed it to a preset font.
This is the preset font I changed it to and for the cover line I looked up recent news on the NBA and one of the biggest things is CJ McCollum being traded to a different team. Since this is very important I changed this to the main cover line because this is definitely more important than knowing the suns lead the west. I changed the size of the cover line a little smaller because I did now want it taking up the whole cover. I changed the bright green color to one of the suggested colors so that it matched more. Then I realized I do not like it as much so I changed it to a regular orange. The next step I did was create a smaller cover line about going D1 and getting more athletic because cover lines are teasers to things that are featured in the magazine and it made sense for my cover. I used a preset font and then I changed the second part of it to a font that looked good. I also changed my mind on making the magazine really colorful and decided to match an orange theme. I decided to follow an orange theme because I realized after looking at sports magazines most of them follow a color theme and it also matches the basketball.  Using one of the preset fonts I did it again when adding the stats of  Devin Booker, I moved the stats to somewhere it flows and fits nice. The next thing I did was add another preset font about LaMelo Ball and his all star achievement and using orange and white theme. I moved the text to empty space under the ball on the left side. 

 This is the final piece. In the end I am happy on how I changed it because it looks a lot more professional but the only problem is the one orange is a little off but that is because of the font. The cover looks like something that looks similar to an actual sports magazine cover.  While typing this I decided to change the masthead to full orange because I liked how it looked better and it would match and in traditional  sports magazines the masthead matches the one of the theme colors.

This is the actual final cover.


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