Conventions of sports magazines

 Sports Magazines most of the time have to be a lot more vibrant and  will most of the time have a player on the front title. The player on the front of the title will usually have on gear of the team the play for. Players on front covers could have their picture taken while being in the game or it could be at a professional shoot. Mastheads are sometimes hidden behind characters like in some ESPN covers. In sports magazines wide ranges of sports are covered Ike basketball,soccer, football, hockey and much more. Front covers try to help promote sports that will be covered in the magazine. For example if you have Tom Brady on the front of cover the magazine will have information on football on the inside but also information for on other sports. Cover lines will add statements or quotes that are relative to what your magazine will include.

In this magazine covers above, you can clearly see that these covers have the players in front of the masthead. Covers like these show top figures in our sports today and these are figures that attract attention and people will buy more of it.  The magazine on the right is still bland but just the idea having a player like Tom Brady is still very good and is attracting. Sports Magazines companies know that even having a boring cover is not all that bad because you have someone like Tom Brady and the mean face he has will sell.



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